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At this point, I have recovered my children and other members of my family from:
. classic Kanner's autism [#2, which is why most of the pictures are of him]
Recovery is defined differently by each person. Here is my opinion/definition:
There are two types of recovery. Biomedical recovery and developmental
recovery. Your child can be recovered one way but not the other. Or both
Biomedical recovery is when the child's body is normal. No special diets or
supplements or medications are required. The child may or may not be age
appropriate. This is where my son is now. He is biomedically recovered but not
yet age appropriate.
Developmental recovery is when the child is indistinguishable from his peers.
He may still need diet, supplements, medications, etc. I call a child who still
needs diet etc as "managed autism", because the child is still at risk of
regression if he eats something he shouldn't eat, misses a supplement or
medication, etc.
The best would be both, biomedically recovered and developmentally recovered.
I have never used a doctor or any prescription medication, I did all of it with herbs and supplements available
over-the-counter at my local health food store. I bought a few things online. In my opinion/experience, prescription medications
don't correct the underlying problem. For example, an anti-fungal will only kill the yeast that is currently present, it
won't address the reason why the yeast keeps overgrowing. Also, a prescription anti-viral will only "suppress" the viruses,
it won't eliminate them, nor will it address the reason why the body can't fight off the viruses that the body encounters in
daily life. So by correcting my kids' nutritional deficiencies [and in some case, toxicities], my kids' bodies now
function normally.
My kids now no longer need any special diets or any supplements. I still give my kids one capsule per day, usually a
general multi-vitamin some days, a probiotic other days, etc, because I don't want them to get out of that habit, in case
something comes up in the next few months that I may need to address.
My #2 has a diagnosis of "classic Kanner's autism, severe, low functioning". He was diagnosed by two separate pediatric
neurologists when he was 3 years old. Both of them told me he would never talk or even acknowledge my existence. One of
them recommended that I place him in an institution right then [when he was 3], enjoy my other children, and move on with
my life.
Instead, I used naturopathics [no doctor] and I homeschool my kids.
Today, my #2 is 14 years old. He was just assessed as functioning developmentally as grade 1-2. So he is not yet
age-appropriate, but he talks, he reads, he plays with other children and with adults, he is a real sweetheart.
Here are some pictures from Girl Scout Family Camp, September 2010
. Asperger Syndrome
. ADD and ADHD
. sensory issues
. hypothyroid
. mitochondrial dysfunction
. improper carotene conversion
. heavy metal toxicity
. systemic latent viruses [cold, flu, herpes, etc, viruses in the brain]
. calcium toxicity and kidney stones
. iron toxicity
. severe nutritional deficiencies
. hypoglycemia and diabetes
. asthma
. molloscum contagium
#1, age 16, in a kayak
#3, age 13, in a kayak
#4, age 11, on a board
#2, age 14, in a kayak, this was his first year in the kayak by himself
#2 in the pool, he was playing with people he had never met before
#2 with an onion he had dug up himself
#2 climbing rocks, he was just getting started here
#2 climbing rocks, he had reached the top here and was ready to come down
#2 climbing rocks, he was giving "high five" to the girl who belayed him down
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